Recently, Edie has bee a little eating machine. We all know what that means, right? Yep. Growth spurt. And man, oh, man has she grown! Within days she had outgrown a good chunk of her clothes and I'm fairly certain this has been her quickest growth spurt to date! I guess it's time for another shopping trip.
Picking up new words every day, Edie has gone through a vocabulary growth spurt as well. It's becoming easier to communicate with her and she makes sure to tell us exactly what she wants (eat! go! bubbles? bath!). She is becoming increasingly curious and asks "what's this" or simply "this?" when she wants to know what something is.
Lately, she has been very, very, very passionate about a few things in her life... her tooth brush, her entourage (blankies, puppy) and her boots. It's been so fun to see her pick out and become attached to her favorite things.