Thursday, August 5, 2010

Frock By Friday - Monday, Tuesday & Fabric

Yay! Three days down and two to go in sewing the Frock by Friday™: The Anda Frock. Like I mentioned last week, I'm following the August edition of A Frock by Friday tutorial on the Grosgrain blog.

Here is my fabric choice. I'm pretty sure it's some kind of rayon. In any case, I bought 5 yards of it for $5 at St. Vincent De Paul Thrift Store in Fargo. Not sure how old the fabric is, but I'd guess early 1970s.

So far, so easy. I only have a few pictures to share with you today. But, let me assure you I did do my Wednesday night sewing and I will share the rest of the pictures as soon as I complete the dress. As of right now, the dress resembles a '60s era MooMoo. I'm hoping the band around the waist will class it up a bit or styling will be key.

Monday: Cut out the pattern from 28 sheets of paper

Tuesday: Cut out my fabric... it was a little tricky since my fabric is pretty slippery.

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